Mike and Ike Berry Blast 4.25oz 12 Pack

Indulge in the berry-licious burst of flavors with Mike and Ike Berry Blast 4.25oz 12 Pack. Enjoy Blueberry, Blue Raspberry, Strawberry, Wildberry, and Peach Berry candies. Perfect for vending or snacking. Taste the nostalgia with Wholesale Prices.

Mike and Ike Berry Blast 4.25oz 12 Pack

Mike and Ike Berry Blast 4.25 12 Pack A berry-licious burst of flavors including Blueberry, Blue Raspberry, Strawberry, Wildberry, and Peach Berry. Approx 260 Mike and Ike Berry Blast pieces per pound.

Chewy Candy

Old Fashioned Candy

Rainbow Candy

Vending Candy

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